The Amish culture is fascinating, and it's only natural to wonder about their unique dialect, given their origins in Southern Germany. So do Amish people speak Yiddish? If not, what language do they...
Category: Amish
The Amish and cell phones, like other technology, don’t go well together, at least traditionally. However, as times change, there are also changes to the traditional Amish way of life, and some...
The Amish are devout Christians who have a reputation among outsiders for their adherence to rules. Amish don’t use electricity in their homes or farms. They don't own cars and shun most modern...
To an outsider, an Amish Christmas may seem impossible. Without twinkling electric lights, Amazon orders, Christmas movie marathons, and other modern comforts, an Amish Christmas may not seem like...
The Amish live in tight-knit, insular communities. An outsider (or “Englishman”) might feel that entering an Amish community is like entering an entirely new country. But the Amish are still...
Amish communities are very insular, which has led to much confusion about their habits and daily lives. From their rejection of modern technology and their old-fashioned clothes to their tight-knit...