Amish families are usually quite large for several reasons. Children are seen as great blessings from God within the community, Amish don’t sanction any kind of birth control, and Amish women get...
Category: Amish
Many believe the Amish are an isolated community and don’t shop at stores or contribute to the national economy, but this is not true. The Amish shop at various stores, including Walmart, and...
The Amish and Mennonite traditions fascinate many people. Each group's convictions about their Christian beliefs, community values, and the extent to which they should interact with society are...
The Amish have a fascinating culture that many non-Amish people respect. While Amish people live in the United States, they are distinct from most Americans in several ways. Their lives, including...
The Amish people have a rich history full of interesting customs and traditions. Because the Amish live in communities that tend to be isolated from the outside world, their beliefs and behaviors can...
The Amish culture has always been a source of curiosity for the general population. It's a well-known fact that the Amish are highly devout people, and their way of observing holidays is often...