How many people love the Advent hymn The First Noel, but don't know what the word noel means? Perhaps more people than would care to admit! The simple definition of the word is "Christmas," but...
Category: Advent and Christmas
The beloved Advent hymn Silent Night invites people to the manger in Bethlehem, where a young woman gave birth to a baby boy. The night is full of peace, joy, and love. Worshipers are encouraged...
O Come, All Ye Faithful is an Advent hymn full of praise, celebration, and joy. The hymn isn't for somber reflection like O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, but for holy and energetic praise, not unlike Joy...
"Hark" isn't a word that people use much anymore, but it's preserved in the Advent hymn, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing and for good reason. The angels have an important message for humanity: God...
Charles Wesley's hymn about the Messiah's arrival has become an Advent favorite. Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus is filled with truth that comes directly from the Bible. The hymn not only alludes...
The Advent hymn Angels We Have Heard On High reflects on the angels present at the birth of Jesus Christ, not unlike another beloved classic, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. When Mary gave birth in...