The Largest Christian Denomination in Each State

The tables below provide a state-by-state breakdown of the largest Protestant Christian denominations across the United States. Christianity, a cornerstone of many people’s lives, offers a unique glimpse into America’s culture and history.

Protestant denominations are rich in history and theology, incorporating many beliefs, rituals, and practices that have developed over centuries within the broad scope of Christianity. Each denomination has unique interpretations of faith and worship, influenced by historical events and influential leaders.

Also, see the Christian Denomination Comparison Chart to learn more.

denominations compared
Why is the Southern Baptist denomination so big in America? See below

Alabama to Maryland

Highlight: The Southern Baptist Convention’s large presence in America can be attributed to historical, cultural, and geographic factors. It originated in the South and has deeply influenced the region’s culture. Its emphasis on local church autonomy and evangelism has contributed to its growth and prevalence.

AlabamaThe Southern Baptist Convention is the most prevalent among Alabama’s Christian communities.
AlaskaEvangelical Lutheran Church in America forms a significant part of Alaska’s Christians.
ArizonaThe largest Protestant group in Arizona is the Southern Baptist Convention.
ArkansasAmong Arkansas’s Christians, the Southern Baptist Convention holds a substantial majority.
CaliforniaThe Southern Baptist Convention holds the most significant Protestant representation in California.
ColoradoThe largest Protestant group in Colorado is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
ConnecticutThe United Church of Christ is Connecticut’s most significant Protestant denomination.
DelawareThe United Methodist Church forms the largest Protestant group in Delaware.
FloridaThe largest Protestant group in Florida is the Southern Baptist Convention.
GeorgiaAmong Georgia’s Christian groups, the Southern Baptist Convention is most significant.
HawaiiThe Southern Baptist Convention forms a notable part of Hawaii’s Christians.
IdahoThe largest Protestant group among Idaho’s Christians is the Southern Baptist Convention.
IllinoisThe Southern Baptist Convention leads among Illinois’s Protestant communities.
IndianaAmong Indiana’s Christians, the United Methodist Church holds a notable presence.
Iowa:The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America leads among Iowa’s Protestant groups.
KansasThe United Methodist Church is the most significant among Kansas’s Protestant groups.
KentuckyThe Southern Baptist Convention is most prevalent among Kentucky’s Protestant communities.
LouisianaThe Southern Baptist Convention forms a significant part of Louisiana’s Protestant groups.
MaineThe United Church of Christ is the largest Protestant denomination in Maine.
MarylandThe Southern Baptist Convention is Maryland’s largest Protestant group.

Also, see the 100 Largest Denominations in America to learn more.

Christian church
Why is the ELCA denomination so big in America? See below

Massachusetts to New Jersey

Highlight: The size of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is largely due to the significant influx of German and Scandinavian immigrants to the U.S. during the 19th and early 20th centuries. These immigrants brought their Lutheran faith with them, particularly to the Upper Midwest.

MassachusettsThe United Church of Christ holds a strong presence among Massachusetts’s Protestants.
MichiganThe United Methodist Church leads among Michigan’s Protestant groups.
MinnesotaThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is dominant among Minnesota’s Protestant communities.
MississippiThe Southern Baptist Convention is the largest Protestant group in Mississippi.
MissouriThe Southern Baptist Convention holds a notable majority among Missouri’s Protestant groups.
MontanaThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America forms the largest Protestant group in Montana.
NebraskaThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America leads among Nebraska’s Protestant communities.
NevadaAmong Nevada’s Protestant Christians, the Southern Baptist Convention is the largest.
New HampshireThe United Church of Christ holds the largest Protestant community in New Hampshire.
New JerseyThe United Methodist Church is the most prevalent among New Jersey’s Protestant Christians.

Also, see the Roman Catholic vs. Protestant vs. Eastern Orthodox to learn more.

Church sanctuary
Why is the UMC denomination so big in America? See below

New Mexico to South Carolina

Highlight: The United Methodist Church’s prominence in America stems from early Methodist missionaries’ extensive evangelizing efforts during America’s frontier days.

Its doctrine and system of appointing pastors to new areas, often in the expanding westward territories, helped Methodism become deeply embedded in American life.

New MexicoThe Southern Baptist Convention is the largest Protestant group in New Mexico.
New YorkThe United Methodist Church is dominant among New York’s Protestant communities.
North CarolinaThe Southern Baptist Convention leads among North Carolina’s Protestant Christians.
North DakotaThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America forms the largest Protestant group in North Dakota.
OhioThe United Methodist Church is the largest Protestant group in Ohio.
OklahomaThe Southern Baptist Convention is most prevalent among Oklahoma’s Protestant communities.
OregonThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America forms the largest Protestant group in Oregon.
PennsylvaniaThe United Methodist Church leads among Pennsylvania’s Protestant communities.
Rhode IslandThe American Baptist Churches USA is the largest Protestant group in Rhode Island.
South CarolinaThe Southern Baptist Convention forms the largest Protestant group in South Carolina.

Also, see What Denominations Are Calvinist? to learn more.

Protestant denomination
Why is the UCC denomination so big in America? See below

South Dakota to Wyoming

Highlights: The United Church of Christ (UCC) traces its roots back to the Pilgrims and Puritans, the first European settlers in New England. Their progressive stances on social issues, combined with a tradition of congregational autonomy, have made the UCC an influential force in certain regions of the United States.

South DakotaThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America leads among South Dakota’s Protestant groups.
TennesseeThe Southern Baptist Convention holds a notable majority among Tennessee’s Protestant communities.
TexasThe Southern Baptist Convention is Texas’s most significant Protestant denomination.
UtahAmong Utah’s Protestant communities, the Southern Baptist Convention is dominant.
VermontThe United Church of Christ forms the largest Protestant group in Vermont.
VirginiaThe Southern Baptist Convention is the largest Protestant group in Virginia.
WashingtonThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America leads among Washington’s Protestant Christians.
West VirginiaThe Southern Baptist Convention holds the largest Protestant community in West Virginia.
WisconsinThe Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is dominant among Wisconsin’s Protestant Christians.
WyomingThe Southern Baptist Convention forms the largest Protestant group in Wyoming.

Also, see What Denominations Speak in Tongues? to learn more.

Daniel Isaiah Joseph

Daniel's seminary degree is in Exegetical Theology. He was a pastor for 10 years. As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. Please see his About page for details.

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