The name "Mary" appears many times in the New Testament and in some of its most significant stories. Readers encounter a woman named "Mary" in the Gospels, the book of Acts, and in one of Paul's...
Category: Bible
Christianity has always valued the Bible, but segments of the tradition haven't always encouraged individuals to read and study it. Protestants have a reputation for Bible reading, but Catholics...
Readers of the New Testament find the name Simon multiple times in the Gospels and in the book of Acts. "Simon" appears in important stories in the life of Christ, like in the description of Jesus'...
What Does the Bible Say About Mediums? (And Engaging the Dead)
Mediums are people who say they can communicate with the dead. In the Bible, those who attempt to interact with the dead are referred to as mediums, necromancers, spiritists, or sorcerers, depending...
Regular Bible reading is a valuable habit, as Scripture is God's message to people. However, the Bible's 66 distinct books, featuring various authors, settings, and themes, can make it challenging...
Certain teachings of Jesus Christ can result in questions, and even some confusion, for readers who are 2,000 years removed from their original context. Matthew 5:22 is an example of this, as Christ...